Our go-karts
390cc, 4-stroke, 15hp
Meie hobikardid on toodetud SODIKART tehases Prantsusmaal. Aravete hobikardid on toodetud 2019 ja Rapla hobikardid 2020. Hobikardid on kiired ja turvalised. Aravete hobikardid on tehases spetsiaalselt kohandatud jõuülekandega vastavalt Aravete võistluskardiraja tehnilistele omadustele. Rapla hobikardid on tehases spetsiaalselt kohandatud jõuülekandega vastavalt Rapla võistluskardiraja tehnilistele omadustele. Aravete ja Rapla võistluskardirajad on ühed kiireimad rajad Eestis.
The karts are equipped with a weight box, which can be used to equalize the total weight of the machine and the competitor in the same weight category as the other competitor, which in turn creates the most equal possible conditions for the competition. Machines have red (brake) and green (gas) for safety pedal and brake and throttle safety switch (throttle removed automatically when brake is applied).

The rider is protected by a plastic guard that can withstand strong flexibility.

The machines are equipped with a special shock absorber bumper at the front, whichsignificantly mitigates the impact force on the occupant in the event of a possible collision.

In summer, special "slick" tires are used for asphalt driving. These are tires that do not have a tire tread pattern for better traction. It is also possible to ride in winter. In winter, special tyres are used on the competition track as all-season tires to save asphalt, unlike the use of studded tires, which are harmful for track coverage.

Comfotrable F1-carbon style wheel.

Adjustable seat and pedals.

Ultra-quiet and efficient exhaust.